Second CozyPlace + Halloween Horror!

Our Gratitude
First of all, Nigel & I owe a huge THANK YOU for all your support so far.
From following us on IG/TikTok to booking the CozyPlace Experience…
That means a lot to us. Especially, a small business like CozyPlace.
Launching The Second CozyPlace
Expanding your small business during Covid restrictions is SCARY AF!
However, the CozyPlace Experience response was better than expected! All thanks to you guys.
Our first unit was fully booked for the month of Sep & Oct!
So we decided to launch a second CozyPlace in the same mall!
We wanted to keep the theme as similar as possible in our second CozyPlace.
Cozy & Clean.
We hustled. And Bustled.
2 weeks of hectic & sleepless night…
we manage to finish our second CozyPlace on the 28th Sep/thurs.
I even fell sick during the 2 weeks from the stress and workload.
(it’s not COVID…dont worry. I tested negative.)
It’s heartening to know that the response for our second CozyPlace is also just as good! :)
P.S. we’re almost fully booked for the second unit for Oct!
Halloween Horror
I’m a huge fan of Halloween HORROR universal studios.
So i wanted to create a similar festive feeling!
We had plans to create a Halloween theme for CozyPlace since Sep.
As a small business, we do not have a LARGE budget for similar halloween decorations as Universal Studios….

But we did our best given our budget. :)
Nigel & i spent the whole night decorating the place up!
It’s not much…BUT we promise next year…
The Halloween horror month would be more elaborate!
Special Mentions To Those Who Helped Us Greatly!
One of our first few early customers who showed us a great deal of support is the lovely couple, Nur Lina & Shamirul!
Their honest review/feedback gave us the confidence that CozyPlace is on the right track!
Click the link below to check out their IG below.
Nur Lina & Sham IG: @2tythree
Another couple we would love to give a special shout out to is Nina & Syady!
The both of them are the textbook picture perfect Singaporean young couple.
They have one of the most genuine and likable relationship on IG & Tiktok!
Their video post on their CozyPlace’s experience on IG & TikTok helped us greatly as a small business.
Click the link below to check out their IG & TikTok below!
Nina IG: @froninalick
Tiktok: @nijajaja
Syady IG: @mvhd.rsyad
TikTok: @mvhdrsy
Closing Thoughts
What started off as a drunken idea between Nigel & I of creating the Ultimate, COZIEST Netflix & Chill experience in Singapore…
where couples or close friends can go to just LEPAK/Chill with each other in private.
Has now grown into something slightly bigger.
While we’re FAR from being a sustainable business, we’re making good progress! :)
P.S. Nigel’s experience in luxury hotels created our 12 steps cleaning standards in CozyPlace.
Remember our motto…CLEAN = Cozy!

We also created the MOST ROMANTIC “Netflix & Chill” experience…an idea that came from my K-Drama obsessed partner!
I’ll try to consistently update the blog and the happenings of CozyPlace, together with our thoughts.
Social media can be a little “fake” at times.
We all wanna put our best foot foward… CozyPlace included.
I reckoned blogging allows us to keep it more real!
Do FOLLOW our IG & TikTok below still! haha.
IG: @cozyplacesg
TikTok: @cozyplacesg